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unable to access same MemoryStream multiple times, getting the MemoryStream closed on second attempt in C#?

Description:I am receiving a MemoryStream from a method and then I have to send it in email as attachment multiple times, i.e I have to utilise the same MemoryStream multiple time, it is working perfectly fine at first attempt but when I try to access it again it gives me error.
is there a way to store the MemoryStream separately for the purpose?
My current code looks like

MemoryStream memoryStream = getMemoryStream();
//following line works fine
//but following line throws error

Posted by: | Posted on: Sep 11, 2018

1 answers



yes, you can create a copy of the MemoryStream and hold it in a new MemoryStream variable then you can use it for some other purpose as well. every time to want to utilise it you can create a new copy. For example you can use the following code chuck.

MemoryStream memoryStreamActual = getMemoryStream();

MemoryStream memoryStreamCopy= new MemoryStream();

memoryStreamActual.Position = 0;
memoryStreamCopy.Position = 0;


Replied by: | Replied on: Sep 11, 2018


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