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Getting the error "Server does not support secure connections" while sending emails by using c#

Description:I have used a method for sending email that was working fine what I have used gmail email address but now testing purpose I have changed the email address not gmail this time and now getting the error "Server does not support secure connections" while sending emails.

Posted by: | Posted on: Sep 28, 2018

1 answers



You did't show your code here for email sending method but still i believe this is a configuration issue you can fix this by updating your web.config file.
In the following chunk you just need to set enableSsl="false" which will fix the issue.

<network host="" port="25" userName="" enableSsl="false" password="xxxxxxx"/>

Note: As you have set enableSsl="false" in web.config make sure you shouldn't set in your code.

Replied by: | Replied on: Sep 28, 2018


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