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In a many to many relationship, get records of table A associated with more than N number records of table B?

Description:I have Table A(assumed as Student) and Table B(assumed as Course) with their junction Table AB (StudentCourse),For example considering the following tables I need to get all the students with their Id and name who have enrolled in more than three(N) courses

|Id |
|Name |

|Id |
|Name |

|Id |
|SId |
|CId |

Posted by: | Posted on: Apr 17, 2019

1 answers



You can get your desired result by simply joining the three tables and placing the required columns in the group by and having clauses as well as shown in the following query.

SELECT A.[Id],A.[Name],count(B.[Id]) as TotalEnrolledCourses FROM [Student] as A
inner join [StudentCourse] as AB on A.Id=AB.SId
inner join [Course] as B on AB.CId=B.Id
group by A.[Id],A.[Name] having count(B.[Id])>3

Replied by: | Replied on: Apr 17, 2019


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