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Saved user, password appearing in wrong fields even autocomplete=off is not working in mvc5?

Description:I have a mvc view(page)for verify otp where I have three fields for verification code,password and confirm password but in the code field saved email address is appearing, I have tried using autocomplete=off with no luck

Posted by: | Posted on: Aug 26, 2020

1 answers



As per the most of the Browser’s default functionality the field before the password is assumed as Username and it uses the last logged in data automatically even if we do autocomplete="off".
The simplest solution would be to set your fields autocomplete’s values as follows:

autocomplete = "new-code"
autocomplete = "new-password"
autocomplete = "new-confirm-password"

Note: The above solution will work only in HTML5 supported browsers.

Replied by: | Replied on: Oct 13, 2020


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